Fashion Law: Luxury Goods, Desginer Brands & Retail. In an increasingly globalized and Internet-based world, designers and retailers of fashion and luxury products face unique challenges, making it especially important to retain versatile legal counsel who understand the issues specific to this fast-paced and constantly evolving industry. Claudia and Valentina have extensive experience in the areas of retail and online distribution, branding, labeling, and advertising as well as licensing, anti-counterfeiting, grey market goods, and compliance with import/export and customs requirements. Claudia and Valentina represent clients in complex commercial and employment litigation and disputes, including defense of class actions.Claudia and Valentina also advise on business formation and structuring, joint ventures and franchise relationships, and mergers and acquisitions. Additionally, Claudia and Valentina counsel clients in the areas of executive compensation, employee benefits, compliance with employment and labor laws as well as real estate and retail leasing.” “Fashions fade, style is eternal.” —Yves Saint Laurent

Il nome di dominio e la tutela del marchio.

The disputed domain name

WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center -Uovo Art LLC v. Mira Hold, Mira Holdings, Inc. – Case No. D2016-0214 The Parties The Complainant is Uovo Art LLC of Long Island City, New York, United States of

La contraffazione del marchio nella moda

“Copying” Adidas

“Copying” Adidas. It is hardly a secret that Adidas filed quite a few lawsuits late last year, including ones against Marc Jacobs and Skechers, for copying its wares, but what other brands are copying adidas that

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